As a typical Wells, I'm still not comfortable sharing on a blog - but also as a typical Wells - we like to share, so ...
Burst, the book I've written, is selling very well, according to my publisher. I guess the kind consequence is being asked to spread its message at talks, retreat and in interviews. February and March will be busy months. In two hours, I will be speaking to a group full of men (and haven't prepared a thing to say as of yet!)
What I'm getting at is this - without the Holy Spirit now, I can't speak to these men well. I can't do anything very well, really.
In these busy days of balancing my day job at busy Wells & Associates and spreading the message of Burst, it seems to me, prayer is needed more than ever.
Instead of squeezing it out because of time limitations, I will squeeze more in.
Last night, while Krista was at Holy Hour, the kids and I spent a good chunk of time in prayer - or for as long as it took for Sean not to start making crazy eyes at 3-year-old Shannon. What I noted in my kids, once again, was how much they changed during prayer. Their breathing softened, their muscles relaxed and their rapid heart beats seemed to slow. I could see the action of them thinking through exactly what they wanted to say to God. Their innocent earnestness in wanting to get their own personal messages of love and their desires to this invisible God was clearly evident. They are just now learning to depend on God, to love Him.
They showed me, again, how beautiful the relationship can be.
Without prayer, there is no Holy Spirit. There is no relationship.
So as I stay busy, more prayer will be squeezed in.